Innovation today is moving in all directions and coming from all places. Can health innovations designed for a developing country setting be applied in a developed country setting?
We are pleased to announce the upcoming launch of the Globalization and Health series on “reverse innovation in global health systems” on August 30, 2013. This call for papers has not only generated an immense interest from all corners of the world, but also pushed boundaries to challenge and rethink traditional practices within our health systems. It is our hope that the ongoing series will help catalyze worldwide synergies in developing a robust knowledge-base on the bi-directional flow of knowledge and innovations between low, middle, and high-income countries. For us, this endeavour is couched within, and intimately interconnected to, a broader global movement aimed at recognizing the real potential of low and middle-income countries in contributing to health system challenges everywhere.
The journal continues to accept submissions for publication in the series on an open and on-going basis.