Longevity & Healthspan is an exciting new interdisciplinary open access journal focused on the biology of aging in the context of age-related disease and healthy lifespan. The journal emphasizes advancing our understanding of how age-related changes in structure and function become risk factors for or accompany age-related diseases or conditions, and the biology underlying healthy aging and longevity.
Aging represents the most important risk factor for chronic disease and frailty, with the many age-related conditions including cancer, cardiovascular disease, metabolic disease and type 2 diabetes, neurodegenerative disease, osteoporosis, and decreased immune function.
The journal is jointly overseen by Editors-in-Chief James Kirkland (Mayo Clinic, USA), Gordon Lithgow (Buck Institute for Research on Aging, USA), and Janet Lord (University of Birmingham, UK), who are supported by an impressive Editorial Board of international renown.
The journal welcomes research in a number of areas, and is particularly interested in the development of genetically tractable animal models to assess healthspan or age-related conditions, interdisciplinary studies involving both aging and age-related disease specialists, studies of candidate genes or pathways that correlate with age-related conditions, and translational studies validating interventions to increase healthspan and/or longevity. Experimental approaches include biochemistry, molecular genetics, genome-wide association studies, cell biology, and interventional studies.
To help make this exciting new journal a success, you are warmly invited to submit your next research article for publication. For more information on Longevity & Healthspan, please visit the journal website at www.longevityandhealthspan.com, or contact the Editorial Office. You can also register for updates to stay abreast of the latest journal developments!