Acta Neuropathologica Communications (ANC), a new open access journal focusing on the pathology and mechanisms of neurological disease has launched today with BioMed Central. Led by Editor-in-Chief Werner Paulus, a Professor of Neuropathology at University Hospital Münster, the journal hopes to emulate the success of its older, sister journal, Acta Neuropathalogica published by Springer.
Like Acta Neuropathalogica, ANC will publish high quality research and aims to get a decision on manuscripts to authors within 11 days, however it differs in the fact that it will only publish manuscripts which require no or only minor revisions. Werner Paulus explains the rational for this policy in his launch Editorial “One of the chief complaints from authors is when referees suggest major revisions that may or may not be useful. As an author and an editor I sometimes wonder whether these often unnecessary additional experiments, which can take many months, are worth the effort. For manuscripts submitted to ANC we request only minor revisions that can be performed (and have to be performed) within three weeks… Submissions that require major revisions to be deemed scientifically sound will be rejected.”
This policy, along with an Editorial Board of carefully selected and experienced members who support Werner with peer review, mean that an article should take no longer than two months from submission to publication in ANC. Why not give it a try and submit an article today?
Visit the journal website to read all the launch articles, including the insightful review by Lang et al. in which they discuss the challenges of the Braak Hypothesis, suggesting how Prion-like processes may mediate the pathology progression.
To keep abreast of all new publications you can sign up for article alerts from ANC here. For more information, please visit the journal website or contact the Editorial Office.
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- Acta Neuropathologica Communications launches today - 8th May 2013