Genome Biology is now inviting submissions for a special issue on "the RBPome". Advances in genomics have vastly improved our ability to investigate the cellular landscape of RNA-binding proteins (RBPs), and have uncovered a vast territory of gene regulation previously hidden from view. The interest in the RBPome that has arisen from these recent advances makes the topic a timely one, and we are confident that our special issue will stand out as an important contribution to this emerging field.
You might be wondering by now if we are guilty of 'badomics' when we use the term the RBPome? You be the judge – and we would welcome suggestions of whether there is a more succinct way to sum up the scope of the issue, which is as follows:
RNA-binding proteins and their recognition elements within the transcriptome.
More information on the issue can be found in our official Call For Papers notification. Before deciding whether to submit your manuscript to our special issue, you may wish to browse previous Genome Biology publications on the RBPome; similarly, to see the value that can be added to your work from publication in a special issue, you may wish to take a look at our previous special issues on epigenomics (more info) and on exome sequencing.
Finally, if you would like to inquire about the suitability of a study for consideration, please email a presubmission enquiry to
Update: We are very excited to announce that John Rinn and Jernej Ule will be the special issue's Guest Editors. We've got more info on the Guest Editors here.
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