BioMed Central at ISMB & ECCB 2009

The 17th International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) & 8th European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB) is taking place in Stockholm, Sweden this month (29 June – 2 July) and BioMed Central is busy gearing up for the event.

The ISMB & ECCB conference is the leading international meeting bringing together researchers in bioinformatics, systems biology, genomics and other computational aspects of biology. Researchers working in these fields are some of the most enthusiastic supporters of open access, and BioMed Central has a particular strong portfolio of journals in this area, including BMC Systems Biology which receives its first Impact Factor this year. Attending ISMB & ECCB is a great opportunity to stay in touch with the many BioMed Central authors, Editors and Editorial Board members who attend the meeting. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone again this year!

What’s happening at the BioMed Central booth (#5)

  • Calling all Sudoku lovers! – Following the success of the Rubik’s Cube last year, we have lined up an even better event this year. Make sure you visit the BioMed Central booth to take part in our exciting Sudoku challenge (2 July, 10.00am) for the chance to win a Nintendo DSi and also hear the latest about our open access journals.
  • Drinks and nibbles – We are also hosting a drinks reception on Wednesday 1st July, 4.15pm and would love for you to join us!
  • Meet the team – Visit the BioMed Central booth to meet some of the team, Managing Director Matthew Cockerill will be at the event as will Deborah Kahn, Publishing Director and Helen Whitaker, PhD, Journal Development Editor, who will be ready to answer any of your journal questions.

Conference activities

  • Special session on the Future of Scientific Publishing
    Afternoon of Monday 29th June
    This special session, in which BioMed Central is a participant, will examine the future of scientific publishing with particular emphasis on text mining and image analysis.
  • ISCB Student Council Symposium – For the fourth year running BMC Bioinformatics is proud to be supporting young scientists by sponsoring the ISCB Student Council Symposium. Taking place on Saturday 27th June, the Student Council Symposium provides a forum for students and young researchers in the fields of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics to present their work to an international audience.
  • Delegate bags – Be sure to delve into your ISMB delegate bag for your very own Bioinformatics, Genomics and Systems Biology leaflet. The leaflet provides useful information on all bioinformatics, genomics and systems biology open access journals.

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