A special message from the Mesothelioma Cancer Center
Throughout the 20th century, a naturally occurring mineral known as asbestos as used extensively in a number of military and industrial applications. The most common uses of asbestos were for insulation, flooring, piping and brake lining. Asbestos was valued so much because of its durability and resistance to heat and fire. Unfortunately, exposure to asbestos is the only known cause of rare and deadly cancer known as mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma is a cancer that attacks the lining of organs. It occurs most often in the lining of the lungs (pleura), but has also been observed in the linings of the stomach (peritoneum) and the heart (pericardium). This type of cancer has an unusually long latency period and symptoms do not begin to show until anywhere from 25 to 50 years after exposure to asbestos. Because of the long latency period, by the time mesothelioma is diagnosed it is usually in its advanced stages and is more difficult to treat effectively. A typical mesothelioma survival rate is about one year after diagnosis.
Asbestos is harmless if left undisturbed, but if it becomes damaged or deteriorated in any way, microscopic asbestos fibers are released into the air where they can easily be inhaled or ingested. If you live in a home that was built before 1980, the odds are pretty good that you have asbestos insulation in your walls. Make sure to consult a professional home inspector and/or asbestos abatement company before making any major renovations to your home.
Richard Moyle
National Awareness Coordinator
Mesothelioma Cancer Center
Franco Buonaguro
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Among their pipeline drugs is ONCONASE® (ranpirnase) targeting malignant mesothelioma (almost always related to asbestos). Several combination therapies are Doxorubicin but with a response rate of sub-20% it leaves a significant unmet need for this disease area. Onconase is an enzyme derived from Northern Leopard Frog, which is found to be effective against various types of cancer cells. In a disease area with very high unmet need, this novel agent may have more upside potential which is not currently reflected in price.
thanks lot to the writers have been done this article ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i hope,you can write many information for this cancer……
One of the most important things to do when you have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma or an asbestos related disease is to find a mesothelioma asbestos lawyer, and good Mesothelioma Treatment Centers. I believe one of the top centers is located in Australia. As for finding a lawyer, do your research and find someone who is experienced in handling these cases and someone who has been successful at it.
Very good article. We cannot have enough info about such malignant disease. Research is our best hope at the moment.
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Diagnosis of Asbestos related disease in the UK is rising at an alarming rate.
My grandad and uncle, both builders, died of lung cancer in the 70’s and 80’s.
Yet I found out recently that grandma was told they died of mesothelioma and on asking what that was she was told lung cancer and she was asked if they smoked.
Seems a cover-up and ignorance has been inset within the health service many years.
Awareness is our best weapon.
Good article as tbis we get knowledge about the deadly disease Mesothelioma and the symptoms.
I love your article. I stop smoking after meditation and yoga. Maya
Great article! It helped me understand mesothelioma a lot better.
Great article. Very interesting.
Great article. Really tells it how it is.
Very informative article