Disease outcomes in ophthalmology – time for a multidisciplinary approach

By Emilie Aimé, Executive Editor BMC Ophthalmology

Translational research in ophthalmology is a fast growing field, with many centers now having dedicated groups focussing on bench to bedside approaches to research. There have been many recent major advances in the fields of cell biology, biochemistry and elsewhere, for example in stem cell research and nanotechnology based drug delivery systems. This means that multidisciplinary research projects looking to allow these novel technological advances to make a real difference to disease outcomes in a clinical setting is more important than ever.

In order to provide a dedicated home for this exciting translational research BMC Ophthalmology is launching a new article collection entitled Translational Ophthalmology: Looking to the future. The collection particularly encourages submission of translational research that focuses on improving disease outcomes.

An interesting and timely review of systemic therapies for inflammatory eye disease by Alastair Denniston and Andrew Dick was recently published in the journal.

Systemic therapies for inflammatory eye disease: Past, Present and Future
Alastair K Denniston, Andrew D Dick
BMC Ophthalmology 2013, 13:18

We welcome research submissions for the article collection to any section of BMC Ophthalmology.

If your organization is a BioMed Central Member, the cost of the article processing charge is covered in full or in part by the Membership.

P.S. Come and meet the journal’s Executive Editor at ARVO 2013 – email emilie.aime@biomedcentral.com to arrange a meeting

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