For over a decade, BMC Nephrology has been receiving and publishing an ever increasing number of articles, administered by our in-house editorial team. However, its increasing popularity amongst the nephrology community has not gone unnoticed, and what was once an unassuming journal has now prospered into a successful and important medical research publication.
We now need to look to the future to ensure the journal continues to develop to best serve the needs of its community and for this we have called in the experts. We are very honoured to welcome a prestigious list of world renowned Section and Associate Editors to our editorial board. Together, they will be handling manuscripts covering all aspects of nephrology including the prevention, diagnosis and management of kidney and associated disorders, as well as related molecular genetics, pathophysiology, and epidemiology. In addition to sharing their research expertise we look forward to working with them on developing the journal so it keeps abreast of this fast-moving and exciting research field.
Dr Bernard Jaar has joined BMC Nephrology as a Section Editor, heading the Epidemiology and Health Outcomes section. Dr Jaar is a leading researcher in the conduct of epidemiologic studies in end-stage renal disease and its related complications and is based at Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions. He acknowledges the importance and value of BMC Nephrology as an open-access journal, and is looking forward to working alongside the journal’s editorial team to promote epidemiological studies.
He is joined by seven new Section Editors and over fifty Associate Editors and Editorial Advisers, including Dr Donald Silverberg. Dr Silverberg is Section Editor for the Hemodynamics and Vascular Regulation section and is Senior Nephrologist at the Tel Aviv Medical Centre, Israel. Publishing over 150 papers in peer-reviewed journals worldwide, his interests include IV iron sucrose and Erythropoietin in the anemia of hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, chronic renal failure and congestive heart failure, in addition to sleep apnea and hypertension. Dr Silverberg hopes that, in his capacity as Section Editor, he can help to advance his particular field by supporting excellent research.
With such a wealth of knowledge on BMC Nephrology’s editorial board, it is our hope that the next decade is as successful and since all the journal content is freely available, you will be able to decide for yourselves.
To submit your manuscript to BMC Nephrology, please visit the journal website for further information, or contact the Executive Editor Dr Hayley Henderson, for any pre-submission queries. We look forward to hearing from you.

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