Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis and is a major cause of disability and reduction in quality of life. The disease is characterised by progressive degradation of articular cartilage, mainly in the knee, hips and hands, leading to loss of joint mobility and function accompanied by chronic pain. Despite many recent developments in the complex clinical and scientific understanding of the disease, osteoarthritis remains one of the chronic diseases of aging for which there is little, if any, effective treatment.
Arthritis Research & Therapy has published the first articles in a series on New developments in osteoarthritis, edited by Professor Martin Lotz (Scripps Research Institute, USA) and Professor Stefan Lohmander (Lund University Hospital, Sweden). The series aims to provide coverage of key advancements in various aspects of the disease, including post-traumatic and injury-related osteoarthritis.
One review from Martin Lotz addresses the pathogenetic mechanisms and mediators involved in the acute and chronic consequences of joint trauma, and discusses potential candidates for pharmacological intervention. Maleki-Fischbach and Jordan highlight recent studies of sex differences in individual joint components imaged by magnetic resonance imaging, and in systemic biomarkers of joint metabolism. Focusing on sports injury-related knee osteoarthritis, the most recently published article in this series examines the biological and clinical data that make this subset of osteoarthritis an attractive public health target.
Reviews published in Arthritis Research & Therapy within the previous 6 months require a subscription for access, but a free 30-day trial is available.
Abigail Jones – Senior Assistant Editor
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Dear publisher
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