First articles published in EvoDevo!





BioMed Central launches a new open access journal today – EvoDevo. The journal will publish articles providing novel insights into the translation of genotype to phenotype in a phylogenetic context, and promote understanding of the pattern and process of morphological evolution. EvoDevo boasts an impressive international Editorial Board composed of experts in the field of evolutionary developmental biology (evo-devo). 

In their inaugural editorial, Editors-in-Chief Mark Martindale and Max Telford discuss the importance of the publishing niche that the journal will fill.

“It is an exciting time to be an evolutionary developmental biologist and I am thrilled to be involved in promoting a transdisciplinary approach to understanding the two greatest mysteries of life: how functional organisms arise through their own developmental process, and how this process changes over evolutionary time to give rise to novel forms,” says Mark Martindale. Max Telford adds, “Exciting new opportunities for understanding the patterns and processes of organismal evolution are coming thick and fast from the diverse fields that characterise evo-devo”.

Also published today, Michael Boyle and Elaine Seaver demonstrate how FoxA and GATA456 transcription factors are part of an ancient patterning mechanism that was deployed during early evolution of the metazoan through-gut. In addition, John Finnerty and colleagues report the first evidence for a PRD-class homeobox cluster that appears to have been conserved since the time of the cnidarian-bilaterian ancestor, and Ralf Janssen and Graham Budd present findings suggesting conserved mechanisms of Hox gene regulation across arthropods.

If you are attending the European Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology meeting in Paris starting tomorrow, please look out for our postcards and copies of the inaugural editorial on the BioMed Central stand. 

For more details on the journal and its articles please visit the journal website, or to find out how to submit a manuscript to the journal please see our instructions for authors.

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