Retrovirology / Cancer Research / Stanislav Indik, Walter Günzburg
University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria
A four year PostDoc position is available in the Institute of Virology (Department of Pathobiology) at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna.
Large body of scientific evidence suggests that a retrovirus that is closely related to the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV), which is associated with mammary adenocarcinomas and T-cell lymphomas in mice, is responsible for breast carcinogenesis in humans. A number of independent laboratories identified DNA sequences of MMTV-like virus as well as the presence of anti-MMTV antibody-crossreactive proteins in human breast cancer tissue. Furthermore, recently our laboratory unequivocally demonstrated that MMTV is capable of infecting various human breast cancer cell lines. This evidence further supports the idea that MMTV (or a virus that is very closely related to MMTV) is enzootically transmitted from mouse to human, similarly as it has recently been suggested for another retrovirus – xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) that was shown to be associated with human prostate cancer.
Our aim is to isolate MMTV-like virus from a human breast cancer tissue and demonstrate its potential to productively infect human cells and cause carcinogenic transformation in an animal in vivo model. Furthermore, we would like to investigate a possible role of the newly discovered MMTV-encoded accessory proteins in tumorigenesis.
Successful candidate must hold a PhD degree in life sciences or Dr. or Dr. med. degree. Applicants should have a keen interest in cancer research and a strong background in molecular biology. Application should contain: full CV, publication list, application letter, 2 letters of recommendation and should be submitted electronically to: ; ; (Also for informal enquiries).
Further information:
Closing date for proposals: Oct 30th 2009
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Announcement made on January 15th 2013:
The Aquarius Reef Base will remain in operation, under the continued stewardship of Florida International University. From the official press release issued by FIU, available at
“[…] NOAA recognizes that the Aquarius Reef Base is a unique and valuable asset to the scientific community.”