Co-discoverer of HIV virus to make keynote speech at Frontiers of Retrovirology

Dr Robert Gallo the
co-discoverer of the HIV virus is to make a keynote speech at Frontiers of Retrovirology, the innovative conference that will bring together
retroelement and complex retrovirus researchers from around the globe. Dr Gallo
founded and is Director of the Institute of Human Virology

Taking place in Montpellier in
the south of France, Frontiers
of Retrovirology
will prove to be a best-in-class conference bringing
together leading human retrovirus researchers to review current progress and to
chart future challenges. Internationally renowned speakers will present their
insights into the principles guiding the life cycle of endogenous retroelements,
complex human retroviruses, and their pathogenic interactions with the hosts.

register for this unique and timely meeting (before space is filled), to submit
your abstract, and to see the speaker line-up, please visit


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