Welcoming BMC Agriculture: A New Journal for Sustainable Agricultural Science

The BMC Series is delighted to announce the upcoming launch of BMC Agriculture – our new broad scope, inclusive, community led journal aiming to capture all aspects of research being done in this vital field. As we grapple with pressing challenges such as climate change, food security, and biodiversity loss, the importance of innovative agricultural practices has never been more critical.

At the journal’s heart is sustainability; sustainable agricultural practices can protect habitats and watersheds, improve soil health and water quality as well as enhance animal welfare and husbandry practices.

Agriculture is at the heart of human survival and prosperity, but it also faces immense pressures from environmental changes and the growing needs of a global population. BMC Agriculture aims to address these issues by advancing research in areas such as  crop and livestock production, aquaculture, fisheries, and forestry.  It joins our expanding portfolio of journals covering these topics, including BMC Environmental Science, launched only last year and BMC Veterinary Research, one of our earliest BMC series journals. At the journal’s heart is sustainability; sustainable agricultural practices can protect habitats and watersheds, improve soil health and water quality as well as enhance animal welfare and husbandry practices.

Aligned with the objectives of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, BMC Agriculture particularly encourages papers focused on zero hunger (SDG2), good health and well-being (SDG3), clean water and sanitation (SDG6), responsible consumption and production (SDG12), climate action (SDG13), life below water (SDG14) and life on land (SDG15). These focus areas highlight the journal’s commitment to not only advancing scientific understanding but also contributing practical solutions that enhance global welfare.

Following the ethos of the BMC series, our journal stands for open, robust and reproducible science with freely available data to speed up the pace of discovery. We support transparent peer review and make editorial decisions based on the validity and rigor of a study rather than its perceived impact.

BMC Agriculture will be launching this summer and we are now looking for researchers to join the editorial board. If you are interested in helping to shape and support this exciting new journal, please get in touch – I’d love to hear from you! My email is  alison.cuff@biomedcentral.com

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