Developmental coordination disorder (DCD) occurs in approximately 5 to 6% of the school-aged population and can limit the academic, social, and physical abilities of the children it affects. Recent research has focused on using virtual reality and video game equipment to improve the motor skills of children with DCD.
Mentiplay et al systematically reviewed 15 studies looking at the use of video games in DCD affected children. Nintendo Wii was the most commonly used intervention, appearing in 12 of the 15 studies. None of the studies included used virtual reality. While the studies included showed limited evidence to support the effectiveness of video games in improving the motor skills of DCD children, the majority of children both enjoyed and adhered to the video game interventions.
Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer deaths among women. In the last twenty years, the breast cancer rate has been increasing worldwide. The link between human papilloma virus (HPV) and cervical cancer has been widely accepted. However, the link between viruses and breast cancer is less well-established. Recent studies have indicated that exposure to some viruses, including HPV, is a risk factor for breast cancer.
The HPV genome was detected in 48.6% of breast cancer samples.
In a recent publication by Khodabandehlou et al, researchers determined the presence of HPV in breast cancer tissue. The HPV genome was detected in 48.6% of breast cancer samples. The researchers concluded that HPV is associated with breast cancer development but determining the exact mechanism and role of HPV in breast cancers will require further research.
Want to learn more about HPV and cancer? Read more in the Cervical Cancer Awareness Month blog published earlier this month or take our Cervical Cancer Quiz.
BMC Materials: The newest addition to the BMC Series, now open for submissions
The BMC Series continued its expansion into the physical science and engineering this month with the opening of BMC Materials. The journal is now accepting submissions spanning the multi-disciplinary areas of materials science including fundamental and applied research in the synthesis, characterization, modelling and application of materials.
Editor Harriet Manning, PhD recently published a blog describing the launch and how BMC Materials will meet the needs of the community by adding to the rapidly growing realm of open access materials science publishing.
BMC Chemical Engineering and BMC Biomedical Engineering: First articles published
Two of the BMC Series’ recently launched engineering journals, BMC Chemical Engineering and BMC Biomedical Engineering, published their first articles this month.
Among the first publications are articles ranging in topics from the history of robotic and laparoscopic surgery of the pancreas to increasing the permeability of polymeric membranes in O2/N2 separation.
Cannabis is currently listed as a schedule I drug by the US Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970. However, 29 US states and the District of Columbia have programs allowing for the use of cannabis in specific medical conditions. Minnesota created its medical cannabis comprehensive program in May of 2014.
A survey conducted by Philpot et al, examines the attitude, beliefs, and knowledge about medical cannabis held by Minnesota primary care providers. They found that providers generally believe medical cannabis is a legitimate medical therapy. Greater than half of providers surveyed believed that medical cannabis is effective in the management of nausea and/or vomiting, muscle spasms, pain, and anxiety. However, 50% of providers surveyed indicated they “were not ready or did not want to answer patient questions about medical cannabis,” indicating that further work is needed to disseminate knowledge among primary care providers.
Medication adherence, the extent to which medications are taken following the instructions of a medical provider, is imperative to the management of many chronic diseases. However, estimates indicate that between 30 and 50% of people do not take their medications as prescribed. Adherence is particularly challenging in the older population because older people are often prescribed multiple medications and are sometimes affected by physical, cognitive, or sensory impairments.
A systematic review conducted by Ulley et al, examined the impact of deprescribing on medication adherence in an older population. They concluded that deprescribing did not improve medication adherence. However, they theorize that this may be because the interventions in the included studies did not sufficiently reduce the amount of medication being taken.