BMC Ophthalmology at the RCO Annual Congress

Liverpool – home of The Beatles, The Grand National and recent European Capital of Culture, was this year also home to the Royal College of Ophthalmologists’ Annual Congress. The meeting was a great success, hosting lots of excellent talks, poster presentations and rapid fire sessions that covered the whole spectrum of ophthalmological research,  not to mention views of the world-famous Albert Dock.

Translational ophthalmology was a big focus of this year’s meeting.  Many of the sessions featured talks on how lab results can be applied to ‘real world’ clinical situations. In addition, a full session dedicated to translational research was chaired by Andrew Lotery and Andrew Dick. Prof. Dick is an active member of BMC Ophthalmology’s Editorial Board and we were very happy to meet with him to discuss current happenings in ophthalmology research and publishing generally as well as BMC Ophthalmology’s ongoing progress.

We also had the opportunity to meet with two of our Editorial Advisors, Phil Murray and Richard Wormald, both of whom have been and continue to be helpful members of our Editorial Board. It was great chatting with them about the journal’s progress and our vision for the future.

Among the topics discussed was the journal’s upcoming changes in editorial structure. The journal has been steadily growing and to cope the increased submissions and continuing success we are dividing the journals into several sections, each headed by an external expert in the field. Section Editors will provide expertise that we may not otherwise have had, and will help with the continued development of the journal. For each section we will also recruit a number of Associate Editors to handle the peer review of manuscripts submitted to their section. If you are interested in volunteering for this role or know of a colleague you feel may be appropriate for this role please do get in touch with us at

All in all we found this year’s congress to be both productive and enjoyable and we would like to thank everyone we met there for taking the time to speak with us. We will look forward to meeting more ophthalmologists next year!

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