The US Office of Science and Technology Policy has published the comments received as part of the latest phase of its public consultations on Public Access to Peer-Reviewed
Scholarly Publications Resulting From Federally Funded Research and Public Access to Digital Data Resulting From Federally Funded
Scientific Research.
BioMed Central responded to both Requests for Information, and our contributions are now publicly available online:
At the beginning of 2012, BioMed Central made the following statement in response to the Research Works Act:
“BioMed Central strongly supports the NIH’s role in enhancing open access through the operation of PubMed Central and through its Public Access Policy for employees and grantees. We are opposed to the RWA’s proposal to roll back that policy, and feel that the success of open access publishers such as BioMed Central clearly demonstrates the invalidity of the arguments, made by supporters of the RWA, that public access undermines the ability of publishers to seek fair recompense for the service they provide.”