BioMed Central recently
launched Open
Access Africa, a collection of initiatives, including free Foundation Membership, designed to increase the output and visibility of scientific research
published by learning institutes in low-income countries. Kwame Nkrumah University Of Science and
(KNUST), Kumasi, Ghana, has recently been announced as the first African Foundation
KNUST is the only university in Ghana with an open access institutional repository and sits in 13th
position among African universities on the Webometrics World University
Ranking. The institute fully supports open access research and has partnered with BioMed Central to host the Open
Access Africa 2011 conference, in conjunction with Computer Aid International,
from 25-26 October during International
Open Access Week.
Prof. William O. Ellis, Vice Chancellor of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, commented: ‘As the premier science and technology university in Ghana we believe that research is more valuable when it is shared. The effective communication of research results is an integral part of the research process. We are privileged and highly honored to be the first Foundation Member of BioMed Central and look forward to working with them in the future.’
More information on how to become a Foundation Member, and the benefits offered with this free service, can be found on our website. Alternatively you can contact Calum Land, Head of Sales, directly.