Access Africa 2011, a BioMed Central and Computer Aid International event, was
hosted at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi, Ghana, during Open Access Week 2011.
All presentations,
delivered by representatives from Google,
British Medical Journal (BMJ), Department for International Development (DFID),
Pan African Medical Journal
and the United Nations Economic Commission for
Africa (UNECA), are now available online, together with conference
images and poster
abstracts. Videos of all presentations will follow shortly.
The conference, now in its second year, discussed open
access publishing in an African context and the diverse programme offered insights
from library, funding and technology perspectives as part of Open Access Africa, a collection of
initiatives designed to increase the output and visibility of scientific
research published by African learning institutes.
The birth of Sudan’s first Institutional
Repository, created by the University of Khartoum, was a direct result of a
meeting held last year at Open
Access Africa 2010. What further developments will be sparked by this
year’s event?
Dr. Tobias I. Ndubuisi Ezejiofor, one of the attending
delegates, commented, ‘For us in Africa, open access means liberation from
information inhibitions and from research/publication visibility clouds. Indeed
the trappings and benefits of open access can hardly be over estimated that I
am sufficiently led to say: “I see a great future for quality research and
publication outputs for and from African scientists and professionals through the open access initiative.”’
Advocate. Share the presentation
link. And help ensure a great future for African science.
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