BMC Hematology launches

Today marks the launch of BMC Hematology within the BMC series of journals published by BioMed Central. Formerly known as BMC Blood Disorders, the journal was renamed in response to the feedback received from key opinion leaders in the field and in consultation with our Editorial Board. This change of name is intended to emphasize the journal’s commitment to representing the full breadth of disciplines and specialties in the hematology field in which rapidly evolving research findings translate into patient care. You can read more about the rationale behind this relaunch in this Editorial.

Since William Harvey introduced the then controversial concept of circulation in 1628, the field of hematology has come a long way. Important advances in the field of molecular biology have enabled fundamental insights into the origin of human diseases and enabled the development of innovative treatments. Nowhere are these changes more prominent than in the field of hematology, which has paved the way for the thrilling era of “bench to bedside” research. The past decades have seen major clinical advances arising from trail-blazing basic research, including hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for the treatment of blood and bone marrow disorders, and targeted molecular therapies for hematological malignancies. Reflecting this cross-disciplinary and translational nature of the field, the scope of BMC Hematology encompasses basic, experimental and clinical research. In particular, the journal welcomes submissions on research related to non-malignant and malignant hematological diseases, hemostasis and thrombosis, hematopoiesis, stem cells and transplantation.

The journal is divided into subject-specific sections overseen by academic Section Editors who, with the support of Associate Editors and Editorial Advisors, ensure that the journal is at the forefront of the field. They also work to ensure that the time and effort put into the reviewing process by our external referees is done so as efficiently and effectively as possible. We expect to recruit additional Editorial Board members from many different disciplines within the hematology field from across the globe, so please contact us if you are interested in getting involved.

In this inaugural issue, Section Editor Dan L. Longo tells us how he first became interested in hematology and gives his personal view on the recent progress and future challenges of the hematological cancer field in particular.

“We hope the journal becomes a venue for interesting new findings including relevant basic science insights and clinical applications. Well-done negative clinical trials may also help us take the next step and should be considered if the result is an important addition to the knowledge base.”
Dan L. Longo, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Section Editor of the Malignant hematological diseases section

The relaunch of BMC Hematology marks the start of an exciting new developmental phase for the journal and we do hope that you will take the time to visit the website and consider us for your future submissions.

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