Monthly Archives: February 2017

A pleasant surprise: a surgeons experience delivering their first Caesarean section.


Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) is an international, independent, medical humanitarian organisation. Providing the only referral centre in the region, Medecins Sans Frontieres’ hospital in Agok, Abyei, serves a community of approximately 150,000 people. In this guest blog, one surgeon tells us about an extraordinary experience he had working there, delivering a miraculous baby girl in his first ever caesarean section.

Time for sleep analysis to wake to the digital age?

tell me, whats in your clock?

Proper evaluation of sleep is currently practiced by recording brain activity (EEG) for several hours. The large amounts of data collected are then distilled manually be a highly trained technician, using guidelines that were written fifty years ago. In a new review published in the first issue of Sleep Science and Practice, Dr. Magdy Younes questions the use of manual scoring as a gold standard against automatic systems and explores the advantages of digital scoring.