BMC Medical
Genetics has published it’s 500th
article today, the 11th BMC-series journal to reach this milestone.
BMC Medical
Genetics has moved
from strength to strength since its launch in November 2000: submissions to the journal have grown
rapidly, the journal has published a supplement by
the Framingham Heart Study,
and the journal received its first impact factor in June 2008, increasing to
2.76 this past
The journal’s 500th article, The role of CACNA1S in predisposition to malignant
hyperthermia by Danielle Carpenter and colleagues is the first comprehensive study of the
entire CACN1AS gene in a large number of patients with malignant hyperthermia. In this work, the
researchers discover a potentially disease-causative
We would like to take this
opportunity to thank all authors, reviewers and committed Editorial Board
Members who have been involved in the successful growth of the journal.
BMC Medical
Genetics has involved Associate Editors in the peer
review process since
2008, and we would like to thank all of our Associate Editors as
well as members of our Advisory Board for their help and support – without them
the success of the journal would not have been possible, and we appreciate their
continued dedication to journal.
We welcome readers’ feedback on the
journal and its contents. If you have any questions about the journal and our
editorial policies, or if you would like to be involved in the journal, as an
author, reviewer, or Associate Editor, please do get in touch.
BMC Medical
Genetics and BioMed Central will be
exhibiting at the upcoming American Society of Human Genetics meeting on
the 21-23 Oct in Honululu,
Hawaii. Please drop-by booth #603
to meet the in-house editors for the journal.
Edmunds, PhD.
In-house Editor, BMC Medical
Anastasios Koutsos,
Journal Development Editor, BMC
Medical Genetics.