EQUATOR Network at the Peer Review Congress 2009

The EQUATOR Network (Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research), is holding a workshop and annual lecture prior to the 2009 Peer Review Congress in Vancouver. Both events will take place at the Westin Bayshore Hotel.

Workshop: Key guidelines for reporting health research studies
9 September 2009, 14:00 – 17:30

Sound knowledge of the principles of high quality reporting of various types of health research is crucial for researchers and professionals involved in the publication of medical research. Aimed at editors and peer reviewers of medical research journals, the workshop will provide an intensive overview of major scientific and ethical issues relating to the quality of health research reporting. Workshop facilitators include Prof Doug Altman, co-Editor-in-Chief of BioMed Central’s journal, Trials. More information and details of how to register can be found on the EQUATOR website.

2nd EQUATOR Annual Lecture: Dr Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief, The Lancet
9 September 2009, 18:00 – 19:00
The talk will focus on important issues relating to the research reporting and will include areas such as publication bias against low-income countries, failure to collaborate fairly with authors in low/middle income countries, examining the global impact of research findings, equity issues in medical research, and how high-income countries might work to promote a fairer reporting of global health issues. The lecture is free for all to attend.

BioMed Central has long supported initiatives for improving the quality and transparency of research reporting and is proudly sponsoring these events. All BioMed Central’s journals that include clinical content endorse EQUATOR in their instructions for authors and peer review guidelines. The EQUATOR Network is an international initiative that seeks to enhance
reliability of medical research literature by promoting transparent and
accurate reporting of research studies.

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