Monthly Archives: October 2018

Understanding your environmental impacts – the Planetary Accounting approach

Planetary Accounting – a platform for change

Today we launch Sustainable Earth, a community-focused, open access journal where researchers, policy makers and citizens can read, discuss and promote ideas around sustainability and innovation. To mark the launch we invited Kate Meyer, author of one the first published articles, to talk about her research on breaking down the overwhelming issue of climate change to help nations, businesses, and individuals in tackling it.


Improving climate information services in the countries that need them most

Weather and satellite

Today we launch Sustainable Earth, a community-focused, open access journal where researchers, policy makers and citizens can read, discuss and promote ideas around sustainability and innovation. To mark the launch we invited Fortunate Machingura, author of one the first published articles, explains why, when it comes climate information services, we need to act globally to ensure the poorest and most vulnerable countries aren’t left behind.

Do sex differences play a role in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: Using big data to tackle big questions


Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is increasing in prevalence as rates of obesity and diabetes increase throughout the world. Using big data, this study looked at possible sex differences that could inform researchers and medical professionals about differences how the disease impacts men and women and the types of interventions that should be considered in light of these differences.

Environment in Autism

feature image – square

Numerous environmental factors can impact an individual’s risk of Autism. With this area of research in its infancy, this blog looks at the challenges faced by researchers and highlights a few of the factors being uncovered. You can hear Dr. Avi Reichenberg discuss the topic in more detail on 16th October on Facebook live, hosted by The Mount Sinai Hospital.

Quiz: so you think you know biology?

biology week

Do you know how dogs like to poop?

From the molecular to the extra-terrestrial, you may be surprised by some of the research that is happening in the diverse fields involved in biological research. Test your knowledge on the latest (and often bizarre) biological research.