Could making buffets for mosquitoes help us learn about their preferences for human hosts?
Mosquitoes use scent cues to locate humans to feed upon, but do some humans smell more appealing than others, and if so, why?
Mosquitoes use scent cues to locate humans to feed upon, but do some humans smell more appealing than others, and if so, why?
Researchers at the University of Kentucky undertook the first study and characterization of the microbiota of an ascarid parasite, of an equine… Read more »
Krisztian Magori reviews a recent study demonstrating that flaviviruses make mice (and people) produce more of the volatile… Read more »
Significant changes in gut microbial composition (gut dysbiosis) are induced by infection with the soil-transmitted helminth… Read more »
Today, Riccardo Scotti and Cinzia Cantacessi discuss the 'MICrobiome HELminth INteractions database' (MICHELINdb), an online… Read more »
Krisztian Magori (@BiteOfAMosquito) summarizes a recently published paper in Parasites & Vectors on how sarcoptic mange mites… Read more »
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in space or on another world? One day it may be possible to do so, but… Read more »
Our microbiomes have evolved with us over the millenia - or perhaps it is we that have evolved with them. In any case, our… Read more »