Audrey (top right) obtained her BSc and her MSc in France and then crossed over the channel to do a PhD in parasitology at UEA. Her research interests and passion lie in the understanding of host-pathogen interactions causing symptoms and disease.
Dong (bottom) is a lecturer in bioinformatics at Royal Veterinary College. His research focus on understanding the molecular mechanisms of host-pathogen interactions using high-resolution approaches coupled to bioinformatics. He is interested in 'big data' analysis, where datasets generated from multiple omics platforms such as RNASeq and proteomics are integrated for system modelling.
Kevin (top left) is a founder member of the Parasites and Vectors Advisory Board and a pioneer of open access publishing. At Norwich Medical School, at the University of East Anglia his laboratory focuses on the pathogenicity and virulence of protozoan parasites.