Call for Papers! Introducing BMC Pulmonary Medicine’s New Collection: The Impact of COVID-19 on Lung Cancer Patients

The global COVID-19 pandemic has led to changes in public health measures causing significant disruption across lung cancer screening, diagnosis, treatment and management pathways. The pandemic has presented many challenges for lung cancer patients. These measures have also impacted people's behaviour and their interaction with the healthcare system. Therefore, increased knowledge of the broader as well as biological impacts of COVID-19 on lung cancer patients' health, is required.

To help address this need, BMC Pulmonary Medicine has launched this call for papers to bring together research on:

  • characterising the interaction of COVID-19 and lung cancer, including the biological effects and shared risk factors,
  • health-related behaviour changes impacting lung cancer patients,
  • the effect of changes to lung cancer care pathways,
  • and the long term impact of the pandemic on lung cancer patients.

We also encourage submissions discussing what we can learn from the pandemic to help build a better future for lung cancer research and care. 

This Collection is now open for submissions!

This Collection will consider researchdatabase and software articles. Review articles will be considered at the discretion of the Journal’s Editor. If you would like to submit a review article, please first email Jennifer Harman <> – the Editor of BMC Pulmonary Medicine. Please note that unsolicited reviews will not be considered as per our submission guidelines.

Datasets, descriptions and short reports relevant to the Collection will be considered by BMC Research Notes as data or research notes. This type of content will be published in BMC Research Notes and included in the final collection.

Articles under consideration for publication within the collection will be assessed according to the standard BMC Pulmonary Medicine editorial criteria and will undergo the journal’s standard peer-review process overseen by Editorial Board Members Dr Michele Mondoni (ASST Santi Paolo e Carlo, Italy) and Dr Jian Wu (Zhejiang University, China).

Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure you have carefully read the submission guidelines for BMC Pulmonary Medicine. Please ensure you highlight in your cover letter that you are submitting to a collection and select the collection in the submission questionnaire in Editorial Manager.

If accepted for publication, an article processing charge applies. Please click here to find out about our standard waiver policy.

Submission deadline: 22nd May 2023

To find out more and read the articles within the Collection, click here.

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