Monthly Archives: July 2016

A venue for all your conference publications


Conference proceedings can present some of the most up to date science in the literature, showing results before they are published in journal articles. But proceedings are also often overlooked and hard to access. BMC Proceedings is our journal that has been dedicated to publishing conference proceedings and meeting abstracts since 2007 and which aims to address this.

Biology Health Medicine Publishing

Positive psychiatry, co-morbidities and integrated mental health care – RCPsychIC 2016

At the end of June BMC Psychiatry attended RCPsychIC 2016 in London. The annual international convention of the Royal College of Psychiatrists is one of the largest gatherings of mental health professionals, showcasing exciting developments at the leading edge of psychiatry research, with delegate numbers nearing 3,000. The theme of this year’s RCPsychIC convention was Psychiatry: Brain, Body and Mind; the program featured a wide range of sessions covering aspects of psychiatry research, practice and policy.

Health Medicine

Highlights of the BMC series: June 2016


Replication and beyond in psychology • Choosing a diagnostic test for suspected hypopituitarism • Virtual reality as a tool for cataract surgery training • Could mobile phones affect brain development? • The role of “citizen science” in biomedical research • Mixed messages in bonobo mating • Latrine communication in urban vs rural rabbits

Biology Medicine

Sharing undergraduate knowledge: International Conference for Healthcare and Medical Students


The International Conference for Healthcare and Medical Students (ICHAMS) is a conference for undergraduate healthcare and medical students to present their research to peers and professors in the field, giving them the opportunity to receive structured feedback. Abstracts from the conference are published in a supplement in BMC Proceedings. In this guest blog, Co-Chairs Cara Coleman and Khushdeep Vig explain more.
