One month before the opening of the 2012 Olympic Games, BMC Veterinary Research arrived in the city of Liverpool to attend an educational event hosted by the International Conference on Equine Exercise Physiology (ICEEP) at Aintree Racecourse on the 16th and 17th June. ICEEP’s “Winning Ways” equine science conference was hosted by the University of Liverpool and involved specialist equine clinicians and scientists from the University.
The programme was tailored for veterinarians, physiotherapists and horse owners and trainers with an interest in equine sports, and boasted an impressive line-up of national and international authorities on all aspects of equine performance who shared their latest findings and knowledge at the two-day conference.
Included in the impressive catalogue of speakers was Prof Chris Proudman, who is a member of the National Committee for ICEEP and an Editorial Adviser for BMC Veterinary Research.
Prof Proudman was appointed Professor of Equine Studies in 2005. He holds the RCVS Certificate in Equine Orthopaedics, the RCVS Diploma of Fellowship in Equine Gastroenterology and is an RCVS Specialist in Equine Gastroenterology. BMC Veterinary Research spoke to Prof Proudman to learn why ICEEP is important to the equine science community.
“ICEEP believes that regular, public presentation of results is an essential component of the scientific process. In light of this, ICEEP organizes and oversees quadrennial scientific meetings at which results of scientific research into the physiology and health of equine athletes is presented to the research community. These meetings are designed to encourage presentation of research of the highest quality in an atmosphere that promotes rigorous, collegial discussion of the topics.
ICEEP also recognises the need to deliver cutting-edge research findings to horse-owners and trainers. A sister meeting is held every four years which is pitched specifically at this audience. We try to deliver our science in a manner easily understood by the non-expert and give our research findings a very practical interpretation. This is what the Aintree meeting in June was all about.”
The excitement of Team GB’s equine team success at the Olympics may be over, but we are very pleased to confirm that BMC Veterinary Research will be publishing the proceedings for the 2014 ICEEP Conference, to be held in Chester from June 16th to 20th, 2014. This will be a scientific focus meeting for researchers and veterinary professionals working in the exercise physiology sector. This will be the first open-access supplement issue to be produced by ICEEP, ensuring that conference proceedings will be viewed and disseminated free of charge to anyone wishing to read the research papers.
For more information about the ICEEP please visit the iccep.org for further details.
