The blog post has been cross-posted from the SpringerOpen blog.
Aerodynamics is the study of motion of air, particularly about the interaction between air and solid body, such as flow around an aircraft. Its study is closely related to the theoretical advances in fluid dynamics and gas dynamics.
Traditional aerodynamics is about the study of flow field around objects of various shapes, evaluates the lift and drag, and models the wave interactions around a complex geometry for the external and internal flows. In recent decades, the research in aerodynamics has progressed into a new era. Interdisciplinary subjects have been created from new engineering applications, such as the aerodynamics study of a flying vehicle passing through the whole atmosphere environment. As a result, the research scope of aerodynamics has been extensively enlarged to multiple physics and multi-disciplinary subjects. The theoretical, computational, and experimental studies play important roles in our understanding of the new disciplines in aerodynamics. Advances in Aerodynamics (AIA) invites submissions of papers about the new developments and advances in all related research field.
Advances in Aerodynamics will provide a platform for fast publication of comprehensive studies on the frontier of aerodynamics.
AIA papers are now available with open access without page charges from the authors. All manuscripts submitted to AIA will go through a peer reviewing process. Only papers with novelty and significant contribution in aerodynamics will be published. AIA invites researchers to submit their papers to this new journal. The topics can be original research output, comprehensive review, innovative engineering applications, and technical improvements in all fields of aerodynamics. Papers from emerging multidisciplinary subjects are sincerely welcome.
The editorial board is administered at the Chinese Aerodynamics Research Society in Beijing and sponsored by China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center. It has an international membership of renowned aerodynamicists from institutions worldwide. The editorial board will take great efforts to ensure the publications of high-quality articles. AIA will provide a platform for fast publication of comprehensive studies on the frontier of aerodynamics. At the same time, an international symposium on advances in aerodynamics will be organized regularly to provide opportunities for face-to-face discussion of ongoing development of aerodynamics.
More information about the journal, currently available articles, and the way to submit new manuscripts, are available at the journal’s website: https://aia.springeropen.com/.