Science and technology news in the developing world

There’s been a lot of focus on internet technology in the developing world recently. In late August Zunia Knowledge Exchange published a report which provides a detailed mapping of best practice for the implementation of sustainable local broadband access network.

Last month the BBC’s blog explored how technology is shaping the developing world. In this series entitled ‘Africa gets connected‘, Rory Cellan-Jones toured East Africa where a handful of commercial and government projects have been racing to give Africa the bandwidth it needs.  

Meanwhile, in Central Africa, many countries are set to benefit from a $215 million World Bank backbone programme to provide reliable, high-speed, low-cost internet access to the region for the first time. Cameroon, Chad and the Central African Republic will take part in the initial phase.

Finally, in other technology news, Africa Gathering, a popular tech/Africa organisation, is holding an event in Nairobi on the 21st and 22nd December 2009. The organisers are now calling for papers.

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