BMC Medical Genomics has now been accepted for tracking by Thompson Reuters and will get its first impact factor in June 2010.
This announcement further emphasizes the successful path that BMC Medical Genomics has taken to this date. Since its launch in January 2008, BMC Medical Genomics has published more than 100 high quality articles and was also recently accepted for tracking by both Medline and Scopus. All BioMed Central journals are also indexed/included in PubMed, PubMed Central, Scirus, Google Scholar, Citebase, and OAIster.
BMC Medical Genomics was one of the first journals in the BMC series to embrace the involvement of Associate Editors in the peer review process, and we would like to thank all of our Associate Editors as well as members of our Advisory Board for their help and support over the last two years – without them the success of the journal would not have been possible.
BMC Medical Genomics and BioMed Central will be exhibiting at the upcoming American Society of Human Genetics meeting on the 21-23 Oct in Honululu, Hawaii. Please drop-in at booth #603 to meet the in-house editors for the journal.
Scott Edmunds, PhD.
In-house Editor, BMC Medical Genomics.
Anastasios Koutsos, PhD.
Journal Development Editor, BMC Medical Genomics.