SPARC profiles open access funds at Berkeley and Calgary

In a further indication of the increasing interest in central funding of open access publications fees, the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition has published a profile of open access funds at the University of California at Berkeley and the University of Calgary.

BioMed Central’s journal Breast Cancer Research features prominently in the profile:

Dr. Carrie Shemanko, Assistant Professor at the Southern
Alberta Cancer Research Institute, Department of Biological Sciences at the
University of Calgary was pleased to learn that the library would be providing
funds to cover the cost of publication in open-access journals.  She led a team that produced an article about
how prolactin, a hormone partly responsible for breast development and
function, contributes to breast cancer.

The research was funded by the Alberta Cancer Foundation,
the Alberta Cancer Board and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
Council of Canada, and the article highlighted was published in Breast Cancer
Research. Shemanko received $1,500 Canadian dollars to publish in the
open-access journal, which is very visible in her field and has a high impact

“The article was accessed very rapidly after it became
available online, by a large number of users that continues to grow. I have
also granted requests from other researchers for the reagents that we used in
our work, so that they can further develop related projects,” says Shemanko.
“My experience increased my awareness of the need to increase funding for
library resources to match the growing need of research and development.”

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