Another useful workshop from the RSP, this time focusing on some of the additional services available for Repository Managers:
Repository Services Day
Wednesday 23rd April, 10.00am – 4.00pm
University of Nottingham
If you are a:
• Repository manager
• Information professional
• Researcher
• Lecturer
• or are involved in administering research grants and supporting researchers,
then this day is for you!
RSP is pleased to facilitate this event which will showcase key repository
and search services available to the UK repository and research community.
It is assumed that participants will have a good understanding of Open
Access. For those not already familiar with OA an overview is available from
the SHERPA website. Although presentations will focus on the advanced use of
the services a prior knowledge of these services is not necessary.
Research funder policies vary in their requirements as do the policies of
publishers with respect to what and when articles can be deposited. The
first part of the day will focus on the services available to explain and
simplify those policies and will highlight recent developments in these
After coffee the focus will move to the current availability of repositories
in the UK and will include the advanced features of repository directories
and presentations on several unique UK repositories.
The final part of the day will look at a range of search services available
for finding OA materials held in repositories both in the UK and worldwide.
The day will end with a short workshop where participants will be able to
discuss current services, formulate suggestions for improvements and
identify future services. Recommendations resulting from this workshop will
be forwarded to JISC and hence participants have an opportunity to directly
influence future service development.
As with all RSP events the day will be offered at no-cost to attendees.
There are no limits on the number of delegates who can attend from any one
institution although total numbers of delegates is limited- so book early to
ensure a place.
Draft Programme
• 09.30 Registration and refreshments
• 10.00 Welcome & Overview
• 10.10 JULIET (Bill Hubbard)
• 10.35 RoMEO (Jane Smith)
• 11.00 Refreshment break
• 11.25 OpenDOAR and ROAR (Peter Millington)
• 11.50 The Depot (Theo Andrew)
• 12.10 Jorum (tbc)
• 12.30 Lunch
• 13.30 DART-Europe (Chris Pressler)
• 13.50 OAIster and BASE (Mary Robinson)
• 14.10 Intute Repository Search (Vic Lyte)
• 14.30 Workshop: Services of the Future?
• 15.30 Discussion
• 16.00 Close
If you are interested in booking a place, please do so via the online form
Full details of the event can be found here –
Please contact for further details of any of our events.
Announcement made on January 15th 2013:
The Aquarius Reef Base will remain in operation, under the continued stewardship of Florida International University. From the official press release issued by FIU, available at
“[…] NOAA recognizes that the Aquarius Reef Base is a unique and valuable asset to the scientific community.”