The US Alliance for Taxpayer Access notes that:
The NIH Public Access Policy is under consideration
by Congress as part of the FY08 Labor/HHS Appropriations Bill.
Supporters are encouraged to contact their Representatives and Senators
as soon as possible to request that the policy be made mandatory. The
House and Senate are expected to mark up their versions of the Bill
before the end of June.
The current NIH Public Access Policy requests, but does not require, that grantees should deposit an open access copy of resulting research in the PubMed Central open access archive.
Strengthening this policy by making it mandatory, would be a huge step forward for public access to research in the US, and would bring the NIH’s policy into line with the policy of all the largst biomedical funders in the UK.
If you are US-based supporter of open access to biomedical research, now is your chance to make your voice heard.