Darwin’s Finches Latest Innovation: Bug Spray?

Darwin's finches get out the bug spray to deal with new threats from biting insects
Darwin's finches get out the bug spray to deal with new threats from biting insects
Insecticide resistance is a huge threat to the malaria control. A new study suggest that the bad news about insecticide resistance may not be quite as bad as we… Read more »
What role do vector traits play in shaping disease transmission dynamics? Last week the VectorBiTE Research Coordination Network held its first meeting in… Read more »
This type of insect can significantly alter the size of a human malaria outbreak. Not the insect you were expecting?
The pleiotropic function of TEP1 genes in mosquito immunity and reproduction suggests that there is a significant cost to male reproductive success associated… Read more »
Lauren Cator discusses the intricate "dance" between the malaria parasite and its mosquito host that alters blood feeding behaviour.