Current Controlled Trials appoints new advisory board

CCT logoA new Current Controlled Trials (CCT) advisory board has been appointed as of October 2012, whom we are looking forward to working with on guiding the future development of our trial registration and related publishing services.

Some members have been helping us promote and improve the quality of prospective clinical trial registration for many years:

Gerd Antes (German Cochrane Centre), Maurizio Bonati (Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research), Kay Dickersin (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health), Jeffrey Drazen (New England Journal of Medicine), Richard Lilford (University of Birmingham), Elizabeth Wager (Publications consultant) and we thank them for their past contributions, and for renewing their commitment to the service.

Also, we welcome new members who are specialists in designing trials, reporting findings, engaging with the general public, and the use of the internet to improve the conduct of trials. We also welcome prominent health research funders and policy makers to the board:

Doug Altman (University of Oxford), An-Wen Chan (University of Toronto), Simon Denegri (INVOLVE), Lelia Duley (University of Nottingham), Maria Grazia Franzosi (Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research), Ben Goldacre (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine), Sally Hopewell (University of Oxford), Carol Lefebvre (Information consultant), David Moher (Ottawa Hospital Research Institute), Chiara Pandolfini (Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research,) Lesley Stewart (University of York), Marc Taylor (formerly Department of Health), Paul Wicks (Patientslikeme).

In 2012 CCT has recently been developing closer links with BioMed Central’s journals (such as Trials) and is involved in publishing innovations such as Threaded Publications, to promote transparency and provide clinical researchers with more efficient ways to communicate all of their trial-related publications.

CCT’s ISRCTN trial register – listing over 11,000 trials – is open to all designs in all areas of healthcare and all countries. In 2012 we introduced a newsletter to our many thousands of registered users and will be soon initiating a pilot survey about the preparation and use of lay (plain English) summaries by trialists and other stakeholders in clinical research. But there is more we can do, and our board members will play a vital strategic role in helping to ensure CCT fulfills its aims of providing a sustainable, citable and continuously updated trials database. They will advise on the next stages of development of the CCT website including new services of use to the trial community, and they will help guide our advocacy activities. We are excited to work with a board that reflects the international nature of our activities, will help drive innovation in trial reporting, and acknowledges the wide range of our users – trialists, researchers, systematic reviewers, health funders and policy makers, patients and health professionals.

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