Swine flu and pandemics – new editorial published in Critical Care

Cases of the influenza A(H1N1) virus, known commonly as swine flu, continue to be recorded on a daily basis to the understandable unease of the general population. A brief guide to the transmission of the disease and what we may expect to see is the subject of a timely new editorial published in Critical Care by Research Editor Dr Steven Opal, Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island, USA.


Swine flu, pandemics, and critical care
Steven M Opal
Critical Care 2009, 13:146 (15 May 2009)

The possibility of a flu pandemic is not a new phenomenon. Indeed, a review article published in Critical Care last June describes the responsibility placed on healthcare professionals to ensure that they are well equipped to deal with future pandemics.

The populations of the countries affected by the current epidemic will be challenged in the months to come, but Dr Opal assuages some potential concerns by placing swine flu in context with previous epidemics, and discussing the resources now available to help manage an imminent pandemic.

Editorials published in Critical Care are free to read. All research articles are open access.

Surayya Johar
In-house Editor – Critical Care

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