Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and
Emergency Medicine (SJTREM) has recently moved to BioMed Central’s open
access publishing platform. Editor-in-Chief Hans Morten Lossius is excited by
the move which brings the journal to a wide global audience allowing the rapid
dissemination of research in the field.
SJTREM is the official journal of the Scandinavian Networking Group on Trauma and
Emergency Management and is affiliated with 9 more societies
involved in trauma, resuscitation, and emergency medicine in Scandinavia.
An established journal launched in 1994 as Akuttjournalen, SJTREM
encompasses all aspects of the epidemiology, etiology, pathophysiology,
diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of acute illnesses and
trauma. For further information, please visit the journal “About” page, or read the launch Editorial
“Scandinavian Journal of Trauma,
Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine – grown up at last.”
Why not submit
your next manuscript to SJTREM? Visit our instructions for authors for
further details. Keep abreast of the latest research published in SJTREM
by registering to receive regular
article alerts.