Reassessing clinical trial design in sepsis – a free commentary from Critical Care

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In a recently published commentary the Editor-in-Chief of Critical Care, Professor Jean-Louis Vincent, notes the need to rethink the design of clinical trials relating to sepsis in the light of several disappointing studies, including the Corticus study.

In an age of evidence-based medicine, there is an urgent need for well-designed trials for sepsis interventions, as sound data forms the foundations upon which future guidelines and treatments can be built.


Steroids in sepsis: another swing of the pendulum in our clinical trials
Jean-Louis Vincent
Critical Care 2008, 12:141 (29 April 2008)

This commentary has been made free to access immediately on publication. Critical Care’s reviews and commentaries normally require a subscription for access. If you do not currently have a subscription to the journal you can register for a free 30-day trial.

All research articles published in Critical Care are open access.

Surayya Johar
In-house Editor, Critical Care

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