National health workforce – the growth of challenging trends
Jean M. Moore, Mario Roberto Dal Poz, Galina Perfilieva, Bui Dang Ha Doan
Publisher: Centre de sociologie et de démographie médicales, Paris
In October 2007, an international symposium on health workforce was held in Lisbon, Portugal, under the aegis of the World Health Organization and the Portuguese Ministry of Health.
Over three days, 75 researchers and policy-makers from 22 countries met and exchanged their views and experiences on the situation of their national health workforce, with a particular emphasis on the shortcomings and negative trends which reduce the performance the health system.
From all the papers contributed to the Symposium, 23 were selected to constitute the various chapters of this book. All together, they display a broad panorama of the numerous challenges faced today by those who are in change of the study and/or the management of their national health workforce. Naturally, the nature, magnitude, acuity, and solutions to each problem differ from country to country.
However, from a general perspective, the difficulties experienced by the nations represented at the Symposium are strikingly converging. In this first decade of the century, nearly all countries are confronted, to varying degrees, with the problems induced by growing demand for health services, growing migration of health workers, and growing need for more relevant management and planning of human resources. These issues constitute the three parts of the book.
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