The European Group for Research into Elderly and Physical Activity (EGREPA) is a non-profit making non-governmental association which aims to promote physical activity and health in the elderly through the carrying out and promotion of research and the collection and diffusion of information related to this field of interest.
EGREPA involves professionals and researchers from very diverse areas. These areas include medicine, biology, education and health care services. Among the diverse disciplines we could cite epidemiology, exercise physiology, geriatrics, gerontology, healthy education, nutrition, physical education, physiotherapy, psychology, rehabilitation and sociology.
The two main purposes of EGREPA are
- the promotion of science and research
- the promotion of young scholars
Against this background, EGREPA launches:
Challenge and chance for Ph.D. students and Postdocs
The European Group for Research into Elderly and Physical Activity (EGREPA) invites young researchers to submit their papers to European Review of Aging and Physical Activity (EURAPA). EGREPA offers Young Researcher Awards to candidates who are Ph.D. students or postdocs up to three years after graduation. We will grant up to five Awards.
The Award will include the following:
All five winners will receive an article-processing waiver for future use in EURAPA.
In order to apply for the awards, papers are to be submitted to European Review of Aging and Physical Activity
In addition, the best paper will be granted €500, the next – €400, €300, and additional two papers will be granted €250 each. These prizes are sponsored by EGREPA.
In order to apply for the awards, papers are to be submitted to European Review of Aging and Physical Activity under the category of Young Researcher Awards. The deadline for submission is September 30, 2016.
Once the papers have been accepted for publication in EURAPA (through the normal procedure of review), they will be reviewed by the EGREPA Board and members of the Editorial Board of EURAPA, or by an external expert reviewer for specific topics, in order to decide whether they are entitled for the award and to decide on the ranking.