Monthly Archives: December 2011

The EMBLEM study: an interview to Dr Mbulaiteye.

At the recent 8th AORTIC Conference, held in Cairo on Nov 30th-trough Dec 02, Dr Mbulaiteye explained during an interview to the articulation and the relevance of the EMBLEM study, which is focused on revisiting the etiopathogenesis of Burkitt’s lymphoma 50 years following the first studies.  


Genome Biology publishes MiSeq data

The pioneering genomicist Sydney Brenner has a sound bite that the most important -omics discipline of all is econ-omics. The holy grail of biomedical research is to translate scientific achievement into practical applications in the clinic. And for genomics to conquer the local hospital ward, it must not only be genom-ical – but also econ-omical…. Read more »

4th ASICON – Lucknow-India, 16-18 December, 2011

The 4th National Conference of AIDS Society of India (ASICON) has been held December 16th through 18th at the Sanjay Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences in Lucknow – India, with contribution of 30 International and 40 national speakers articulated  in 20 plenary sessions, discussion forums, workshops, abstract & poster sessions. The Program is available at the Conference web-page and… Read more »

Putting malaria on the MAP

After decades of neglect, the war against malaria has entered an unprecedented era; the disease is high on the policy agenda, international funding is beginning to translate into real increases in populations protected by key interventions, and a growing body of evidence points towards important reductions in morbidity and mortality. As the international community seeks… Read more »

8th AORTIC Conference – Cairo – Egypt, 30th Nov-02Dec, 2011

The 8th African Organisation for Research and Training in Cancer – AORTIC Conference was held in Cairo – Egypt, form Nov 30 to Dec 02, 2011, in the spectacular venue of the Intercontinental City Stars Hotel of Heliopolis. The Conference, very well organized for scientific as well as social activities, spanned from epidemiologic studies to pathogenetic mechanisms, clinical diagnosis, therapeutic strategies and preventive… Read more »

Weather forecasting models could predict brain tumor growth

Meteorologists predict the weather through complex mathematical models, monitoring changes in state in a given time and space.  Today, an innovative study published in Biology Direct shows that state estimation schemes, applied operationally for weather forecasting, can be utilised in principle to predict the growth and spread of malignant brain tumors. In an effort to… Read more »

Endangered snow leopard population lower than previously thought, suggests the first wildlife genetics study to come out of Nepal

Relatively little is known about the status and population of the snow leopard (Panthera uncia); it is believed that there may be somewhere between 350 and 500 distributed across Nepal’s northern frontier. This lack of knowledge is due to the snow leopard’s secretive behaviour, its inaccessible habitat, and the sparse distribution of its population. Although… Read more »

Abnormalities in brain circuitry as a cause of depression

As a highly variable and debilitating disease, major depressive disorder (MDD) can be notoriously difficult to treat. Many of the difficulties associated with establishing an effective treatment program for those affected by MDD stem from a lack of understanding of the underlying biology of the disorder. The biological basis of mood disorders is a rapidly… Read more »