Some time ago, when we asked our customers what they wanted to know more of about the Open Repository service, one of the responses was to get more information on new customers and pilots.
So, firstly, welcome to the Environmental Cancer Risk, Nutrition and Individual Susceptibility Network, based in Poland, Leeds Metropolitan University, the Health Service Executive of Ireland and Royal College of Nursing (UK) who have all recently joined us (or are just about to) with pilot repositories.
We’re also pleased to say that the Helsebibliotekets Research Archive have decided to upgrade their pilot to a full production repository with us, after seeing the improvements brought by the 1.4.9 build. Additionally, Northumbria University signed up just before Christmas taking us up to 14 production repositories being hosted by the service now. We look forward to a long and fruitful collaboration with you all.
Meanwhile, somewhere in the background, some men from the Ministry have been looking at our network security and Graham’s been doing some things with searching that should bring some post Christmas cheer to our users. But more of that next week.