One hundred BioMed Central journals now indexed in Medline

Behavioral & Brain Functions, Molecular Brain and Particle and Fibre Toxicology have recently been accepted for inclusion in MEDLINE bringing the number of BioMed Central journals indexed in MEDLINE to a total of one hundred. This news is an endorsement of the success of each of these journals and reflects the strong reputations they have built in their respective fields.

In June of this year Behavioral & Brain Functions will also receive its first impact factor, which we eagerly anticipate. Particle and Fibre Toxicology is also tracked by Thomson Reuters and will be receiving its first impact factor in June 2011. Molecular Brain was launched just under two years ago with BioMed Central and has rapidly developed a strong readership with many articles receiving high access figures.

A full list of all one hundred BioMed Central journals indexed in MEDLINE is available from our website.


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