We are delighted to announce that Open Repository’s DSpace platform is now integrated with ORCID® via the ORCID API.We have the feature available for viewing on our demo site. Starting today, we are rolling out this feature to a selection of clients who specifically requested the integration, and thereafter to all Open Repository and Open Repository Lite clients.
What is ORCID? 
“ORCID is an open, non-profit, community-driven effort to create and maintain a registry of unique researcher identifiers and a transparent method of linking research activities and outputs to these identifiers.”
ORCID allows for disambiguation of authorial and contribution identity. Researchers and scholars can bind a unique identifier to research objects: journals articles, datasets, experiences, patents and any other scholarly outputs. ORCID is of great benefit to researchers, scholarly institutions, decision-makers and funding bodies across scholarly communities. It also reaches across academic disciplines and national jurisdictions.
How does ORCID® work with the Open Repository DSpace platform?

The Open Repository implementation of the ORCID API functionality enables repository users to:
(i) Add an existing ORCID
(i) Add their ORCID record whilst registering for an account, or editing account details. (ii) Add their ORCID record and/or those of colleagues during the item submission process
(ii) Register for a new ORCID from within the repository
If a submitter does not have an ORCID, the API enables users to register for an identifier from within the repository and return to the submission or registration page, and add their new ORCID.
(iii) View other research and explore relationships associated with an ORCID
Once the ORCID record is present in the item metadata, visitors to the site can click the identifier to view ORCID-generated metrics about researchers and research.
(iv) Maintain persistence of ORCID information in the repository
The repository registry is able to cache information about ORCID associated with repository, locally, in case the API service is ever broken and to avoid issues such as the duplication of records or information.
Talented Developers
This feature was implemented by the newest and recent recruit to the Open Repository platform engineering team @Mohsin_Husen , supervised by Lead Developer Artur Konczak. As part of BioMed Central, Open Repository developers sit within Springer IT’s international developer-hub in London, building world-class publishing systems for BioMed Central and Springer-SBM.
James Evans, Product Manager, Open Repository
Twitter: @OpenRepository