The growth of open access journals – an Open Access Week twitter chat

To conclude Open Access Week 2012, BMC Medicine hosted a twitter chat with Stephen Curry, Mikael Laakso and Bo-Christer Björk to discuss the growth and future of open access publishing.


The discussion featured the authors of a recent research article looking at the rapid growth of articles published in open access journals, as well as Stephen Curry, folowing his comment in the Guardian discussing the ‘inexorable rise of open access scientific publishing‘, in response to the findings.

Selected highlights from the discussion, and thoughts on the following questions, have been collected in a Storify, below.

Q1 – What are the main factors that have led to the steady growth of OA publishing?
Q2 – How do you think this trend will develop over the next decade, and explain why?
Q3 – What challenges does the growth of OA publishing face in ensuring that it reaches its full potential?
Q4 – Where will the funding for OA publishing come from?
Q5 – Do subscription journals offer benefits that OA journals do not?

To conclude Open Access Week 2012, BMC Medicine hosted a twitter chat with Stephen Curry, Mikael Laakso and Bo-Christer Björk to discuss the growth and future of open access publishing.

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