Building on the success of last year’s Open Access Day, October 19th-23rd will see the first international Week. The aim of Open Access Week is to help spread the word and broaden awareness of open access around the world. Last year 120 organisations in 27 countries promoted open access through a range of events, this year closer to 200 organisations will be taking part.
BioMed Central will be participating in the following events during the week:
OASPA Webinar: Live Q&A Sessions with five types of OA Publishers
Featuring representatives from five very different publishers, the webinarill discuss how open access publishing works in practice. Attendance is free, but advance registration is required as the number of participants is limited.
Date: Tuesday 20th October 17:00 – 18:30 BST
The 5th SPARC Japan Seminar
This event will include presentations from Charlotte Hubbard of BioMed Central concerning open access and Prof. Shin Tochinai of Hokkaido University regarding researcher’s attitudes to open access.
Date: Tuesday, 20th October, 13:30 – 17.00 JST
Location: National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Conference: Open Access Cambridge
The event will explore different perspectives on open access, bringing together representatives from the research community, the publishing sector and from a learned society.
Date: Wednesday, 21st October, 14:00 – 17:00 GMT
Location: University of Cambridge, UK
To see what is planned for your region or for further information on how to participate in Open Access Week visit the Open Access Directory wiki. Additional resources are also available on the Open Access Week website including handouts of what Faculty, Librarians, Universities and Administrators and Research Funders can do to promote open access.
We hope to see you at one of the above events, and feel free to share your ideas and photos of open access activities on the BioMed Central Facebook site
Don’t forget that BioMed Central also has a range of downloadable advocacy materials on our website to assist with promotion of open access such as posters, website buttons and ideas for hosting an open access seminar.