Hosted Repository Software: A seminar for repository
The Repositories Support Project are pleased to announce a
focussed event taking place specifically for repository managers using hosted or
commercial software solutions.
Thursday 27th March 2008, 10.00 –
SPLASH, University of Surrey, Guildford
Do you use one of the following products?
- Digital
Commons from BePress - Digitool
from Ex Libris - E-Prints
Services - Fedora/VITAL
- IntraLibrary
from Intrallect - Open
Repository from BioMed Central
Do you want to meet other repository managers who are using
the same software as you? If the answer is yes then this event is for
The RSP is facilitating a half day event aimed specifically
at repository managers who work with hosted or commercial software solutions.
The programme will contain a case study from the University of Surrey exploring
some of the unique issues that face repository managers in this situation, along
with plenty of opportunity for networking and discussion as part of both the
wider group and in software based clusters.
As with all RSP events the day will be offered at no-cost
to attendees. There are no limits on the number of delegates who are welcome to
attend from any one institution although we recommend that to take the best
advantage of the event participants should be actively using, or about to take
on, one of the software solutions listed above.
To book a place please visit
Draft Programme
09.30 Registration and refreshments1
10.00 Welcome
& housekeeping
10.10 ‘Using a hosted solution to develop an
institutional repository: a case study report’ Dr Christine Daoutis, Project
Officer, Surrey Scholarship Online
11.00 Refreshment
11.20 Networking and group discussion
11.50 Software
specific discussion groups
13.00 Lunch and close
For further information about this event, or details of any
other RSP events, please contact