New video interviews have recently been added to the BioMed Central website and offer the opportunity to watch and listen to pioneering researchers share their views on open access publishing and their experience of publishing in BioMed Central’s open access journals.
You can now view a video interview with Marcel Hommel, the Editor-in-Chief of Malaria Journal. Discussing the necessity of Open Access publishing, Professor Hommel emphasises the importance of these publications for researchers in developing countries and the tremendous difference they have on their work. Marcel Hommel is a Medical Director at the Pasteur Institute.
Dr. Tony Peatfield, Head of Corporate Governance and Policy at the Medical Research Council (MRC), also appears on the website. In his interview, Dr. Peatfield gives an overview of the MRC’s mission to fund research that improves Human Health. He also explains how the MRC encourages its researchers to publish in Open Access Journals, in order to make the outcome of their research as freely available as possible.
These new additions join the recent interview with Michael Kidd, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Medical Case Reports, with more to come soon.