Parasites, pigs and primates – the origin and demography of Trichuris whipworms

Parasite phylogeographic and population genetic study shows the human whipworm most likely originated from primates in Africa, designating it a heirloom… Read more »
Parasite phylogeographic and population genetic study shows the human whipworm most likely originated from primates in Africa, designating it a heirloom… Read more »
What is required by urogenital schistosomiasis control and elimination programmes is a fieldwork-friendly, robust, easy-to-use, sensitive and specific POC… Read more »
Interruption of schistosomiasis transmission has occurred in multiple countries but it has never been attempted in a sub-Saharan African country; until now.
Interruption of schistosomiasis transmission has occurred in multiple countries but it has never been attempted in a sub-Saharan African country; until now.